The Carolina Triangle Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) is honored to host the 2024 National Conference. This event is expected to attract public and private sector design professionals, vendors, contractors, and guests from across the country. The conference provides a forum for networking and education on topics relevant to the transportation industry. The agenda is filled with informative technical sessions, social events, and networking opportunities.
We need your support to make this event a success. A variety of sponsorship, advertising, and exhibitor opportunities have been developed to meet a broad range of marketing budgets so your company can be recognized as a conference partner, furthering the goals of ASHE. Early contributions will help us defray the up-front costs of deposits and help us better plan a spectacular event! Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Exhibit booths are on a first come, first serve basis. Specific Exhibit booth locations will be selected as we get closer to the conference date.
Premium Booths: $1500 (8 Booths located in high visibility areas)
Regular Booths: $1250 (42 Booths located within the interior of the exhibit hall)
Size: 10′ x 10′
Note: All booths are 10’x10′ and will include a table and power. Accommodations can be made for a double booth assuming space is available. Exhibitors will receive a voucher for 2 complimentary Full Conference registrations.
For additional information or questions regarding these opportunities or the exhibit hall, please visit our website or contact our Sponsorship Committee Chairperson, Brian Lusk, by email or by phone (984) 255-0417.
Exhibit Hall Hours:
Thursday, June 6th from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm Friday, June 7th from 7:00 am to 3:15 pm
Payment must be made within 30 days of sign up for exclusive sponsorships otherwise the Sponsorship Committee reserves the right to re-advertise the sponsorship opportunity.
Exhibit Hall will be located at the Conference venue (Raleigh Convention Center) in Ballrooms B and C which are located upstairs. Exhibitor check in will be located in the main upstairs lobby right outside the exhibit hall. Check-in will be open Thursday from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Please note that this is a separate sign in from the Conference sign in and that will be in the lower level of the Convention Center.